Thursday, May 15, 2008

you've got to make your own fun

It's a little off-topic, but Loni and I were sitting here tonight, reading quietly (a book for her, proofreading for me) when the sound of a thousand lawnmowers filled our ears. Upon further inspection, we discovered that it was only three lawnmowers, but they were souped-up NASCAR style so that three teenage boys could RACE them around our neighborhood! Loni went on a stealth mission to obtain pictures, but before she could get the camera, the boys had retreated into the driveway of Hidden Valley Ranch (our pet name for the neighbors across the street) to further pimp their rides. Dear readers, this is one aspect of small-town life that I could have never envisioned. But I guess if your options are hanging out at the local Wal-Mart (where Lon's boyfriend is currently ensconced) or enjoying a meal at Penguin Point, racing down the street on a lawn tractor looks more appealing each day.

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