Wednesday, February 14, 2007

a plague on our house

In a neat twist, Max is now the only semi-healthy person in our house. I started getting sick (with the flu) Monday night, and Mike and Liam got it Tuesday. The last few days have passed in a blur of vomit and exhaustion. But the good news is that Max has recovered, according to the doctor, and is well enough to go back to daycare again. Too bad Liam has to stay home now. Our new dream is for all of us to be healthy at the same time. It's a beautiful dream, though it seems pretty unlikely from here.

1 comment:

Mark and Katie and Linus and Leo and Lilly and Ripley. said...

we have the same dilema. linus got a cold, i got a cold, linus brought home the stomach flu from day care, katie got the stomach flu, i got another cold, linus got sinusitis and is now recovering. we are relying on Linus to keep his mom and dad healthy.