Sunday, December 10, 2006

something new

Both boys have done some new things over the past few days. Three days ago, Max started clapping his hands. And now he does it all the time! His new favorite game is patty cake. Two days ago, he stood by himself. Granted, it was for about five seconds and then he gave the classic cartoon look around. The expression on his face clearly said, "Hey wait! I'm not holding anything!" and he promptly fell down. He hasn't tried it again, but I'm sure it won't be long.

Meanwhile, last night was Liam's first night in a big-boy bed. No more crib for him! He's got a new bedroom with his favorite things (used to be our office) and he was excited to be there all day yesterday. He kept telling us all about his new room. We were a little worried that he would just get up and walk around instead of sleeping, but he stayed in bed all night long. This morning, he woke up, and I called to him from bed to ask if he was okay. "I'm getting up," he said, and got up and came into our (also new) room and climbed up to give me a hug.

And now they're playing nicely in Max's room. Full disclosure: I just broke up a giant screaming fight because Max stole one of Liam's beep-beeps, but they're playing nicely at the moment. For now.

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