So a few weeks ago, the boys and I were strolling the aisles of our local superstore, looking for magna doodles. Why such a specific errand, you ask? It's because Klaudia gave them one, and they fought over it constantly until we decided to give in and get them each one. Anyway, there we were, in the midst of the toy department, when Liam yelled out the words that curled a finger of dread up my spine: "Play-doh! Mommy, I see play-doh! Can we have play-doh?!?"
I had no idea that he even knew what play-doh was. I was hoping to put this off for a bit, but apparently he's played with it at school, so the cat was out of the bag. I reluctantly bought them some play-doh, then proceeded to make excuses why we couldn't play with it for the next two weeks. But Saturday morning we had the perfect opportunity to try it out.
Liam, of course, knew what to do. I gave him a big red wad of the stuff and he went to work pounding it into submission. Max, on the other hand, took his tiny, hideously bright yellow lump ... and bit right into it. Chewed a couple of times, too, before I could get to him to make him spit it out. Then he started crying. So tragic, yet so funny! After that, he spent all of his time contentedly ripping pieces off a ball of it, and later filling and emptying the containers.

After a while, Liam started rolling out his doh and making letters, so we decided to make something special for Mike. Liam made most of the letters himself, though he had a little trouble with the G, B, and R.

Once that was done, things degenerated as expected. Liam decided that he HAD to make a "big big big ball of play-doh," so that's what he did. Then he pounded on it until it all turned into a browny-greeny mush. "Sadly," that was the end of the play-doh. At least until the next time I make the mistake of taking the boys to the store with me...

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