No, *of course* my mom and Loni had nothing to do with encouraging Liam to stick up that particular finger!
Liam started wearing underwear to school last week, and he's made amazing breakthroughs on the potty-training front at home as well. He now goes the whole day in underwear, except for nap and bedtime, and hasn't had an accident in a long time. Up until last week, though, he would poop in his underwear as if it were a diaper. He seemed scared of pooping on the potty.
But one night after dinner last week, when I knew he had to go, I took my friend Anita's advice and shut us up in the bathroom with a ready supply of books. After an hour (!!) of protesting, Liam finally did it, and he was so proud and happy with himself that he does it all the time now.
He's getting so big. No paci, no diapers ... heck, he doesn't even need a lid for his sippy cup anymore. Next thing I know, he'll be starting college.
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