Two nights ago, the boys and I read a book with stickers in the back (Time to Pee, if you're really interested) and of course they each insisted on having a sticker. Liam's said "Great job peeing!" or some such thing, and Max's said "Better luck next time!" What? As Liam points out a hundred times a day, Max doesn't pee in the potty yet. Anyway, they went to bed wearing their stickers on their shirts, and Max freaked out no less than five times during the night because he had taken his sticker off to play with it and then couldn't find it. One time it was in his shirt sleeve, one time it was in his shorts ... you get the picture. The boy woke up at 2 a.m. crying, "My sticker! My sticker!" inconsolably. Mike had to go get him another stupid sticker out of the book to get him to go back to sleep.
Last night it was milk. The boys finished their cups of milk before I took them up to bed, then Max spent TWO HOURS crying for his milk. "My milk! My milk!" Lest you think I'm a cruel mommy, let me just point out that he never actually *drinks* the milk at bedtime, he just wants to hold the cup -- in such a way that it spills all over his crib and makes a huge mess. So no way was I giving him the cup! (And no, he won't accept an empty cup as a substitute. I tried.)
But the cutest obsession has been the blanket. He found one of their baby blankets a few days ago, and he's been carrying it around like Linus ever since. He even insisted on taking it to daycare this morning. My hope is that he can get attached to *only* the blanket, which he can't lose in the night or use to make a mess all over his crib. It's not unheard of -- Klaudia had a blanket (known as Fuzz, short, I believe, for Fuzzy Blanket) when she was young. My other, bigger hope is that these boys will start going to sleep without the two hours of crying. Every night, after I finally get them to sleep, I have to come down and take some Advil Migraine. And don't think I'm kidding.
P.S. I believe the blanket in question was a baby gift from Doug and Stephanie when Liam was born. So Doug and Steph, if you read this, thanks again for the blanket!
1 comment:
Do you think if I wet my pants, someone would say "Hey, better luck next time?" I'm thinking not.
Too funny about the blanket! Sadie attached herself to TWO different blankets a few months back now. She totally does the Linus thing too. It's cute, but I think it's a bit hot out to constantly have a knit blanket with you. Plus, it gets challenging to keep "blankie" clean. Lucky for us, we happen to have TWO of the yellow blankies she is attached to (they aren't exactly alike, but she doesn't notice the difference. I can't remember for the life of me where either of them came from!!). The other blanket was a blue one, but she seems to have a definite preference for the yellows lately. Which is good because having to bring blue and yellow everywhere was getting to be a little much!!
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