Near the kid-size study tables (where a number of kids and parents were busily doing homework together), there was a playroom. A playroom! In the library! It had a farm mural on the walls. Toys included a kitchen set, doll house, farm set, blocks, puzzles, and all sorts of other kid-friendly doodads. Miracle of miracles, I was able to sit in a handy rocking chair and read a magazine for 40 minutes while the boys played nicely. Together. With no fighting. Which just never happens. Max mostly was interested in the kitchen set (I've thought about getting them one, but they're just too much money for a big hunk of plastic), but Liam, surprisingly, was totally into the doll house. He was roll playing and speaking for all of the dolls ("Mommy, are you making dinner? Yes, Mommy is making dinner. What's Daddy doing? Daddy is sleeping in this room.") and walking them from room to room. They had a great time. I think we'll start making a walk to the library a weekly thing.
Sorry if the pictures aren't perfect, but I took them with no flash because I didn't want to get in trouble with the librarian on our first visit.

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