during the drive, liam kept asking me about the different kinds of cars around us. he knows vans, trucks (i.e. semis, suvs, pickups, etc.), dump trucks, cement trucks, tanker trucks (although they are all either milk trucks or jojo's truck), mustangs, civics, jeeps (but only wranglers, as all other jeeps are trucks), and a few others. it was cute for a while, but after i passed (or was passed by) the 15th blue mustang, i got tired of liam asking, "is that uncle johnny and aunt erin?" "no, i think they're probably still asleep."
so we got to grandma and grandpa's (a.k.a. barb and kevin), and the boys decided to help grandma prune the forsythia along the neighbor's fence. liam enjoyed using the cuttings to slap everyone on the rear, but i had to crack down (haha, a pun!) when he started smacking me across the face.

james the cat got scared off early in the visit, so the boys decided to fill the void by playing cats on the piano. i love the two pics of max, especially the one from above with his fingers all splayed out. he's a virtuoso!

some other stuff happened, such as me falling asleep on the couch and the boys playing with blocks. after dinner, the boys raided a neighbor's swingset and played with their new friend erin, b&k's next-door neighbor bob's 3-year-old daughter. they had a blast, but we had to cut playtime short because of the hellacious mosquito assault.

the boys slept well saturday night, and they woke me the next morning at 6 local time with a mind for mischief. we went for a quick walk/trike ride to keep them occupied, and when we came home, grandma was up and ready for breakfast and then a trip to a local park. first, though, she got in a quick duet with max. liam provided a rather unflattering review.

we headed for the park, but max fell asleep on the way and missed all the fun.

liam, however, had a grand old time. he especially enjoyed going on the see-saw (or this park's reasonable facsimile thereof) with me, although he got a little annoyed when some 5-year-old came over and, very politely, pointed out that the see-saw was designed for little kids, and since i was a big guy, i should get off and let him go on it with liam. i acquiesced, but the kid didn't know how to make the see-saw see-saw, so he quickly gave up. which was fine with liam.

but then liam abruptly decided that he was ready to go home, and off he went toward b&k's house.

after the park was lunch, then an unsuccessful nap attempt by liam. crankiness and unhappiness ensued, but we made it through to our dinner visit to johnny and erin's house. a good time was had by most, as max had a mid-dinner blow-up and liam suffered an end-of-the-evening meltdown of epic proportions. i had a good time, so that must be worth something. i'd show you some pictures, but i was too wiped to find the camera.
so all in all, a successful visit, although we perhaps stretched it out a little too long. of course, the irregular nap schedule (or lack of naps altogether) didn't help. but overall, max and liam had a great time, grandma and grandpa loved seeing the boys, and i was able to give holli a kid-free weekend. victory!
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