A couple of months ago, my sister and I happened to be in Macy's during a one-day sale. We hunted through the kids' sale items, and wouldn't you know it? the only two suits in the whole place were the next sizes up for each of the boys. They were Kenneth Cole something-fancy-or-others, and they were
on sale for under $20 each. How could I possibly resist? Really, could
you? And so I bought them, and brought them home, where Mike expressed skepticism and disbelief. When would they ever wear them? Isn't it a waste of money? Luckily, the boys were invited with us to my cousin Amelia's wedding last weekend, so the suits didn't go to waste.

The wedding was in nearby Culver, which should have taken only 15 minutes or so to get to, and would have ... if there wasn't a train parked on the tracks, blocking our route. So we got there a little bit late. By the time we arrived, the boys were asleep in the car, so Mike stayed with them while I snuck in to see the ceremony. Happily, I wasn't nearly the last person to arrive. The ceremony was lovely, and the reception was lively.

Once they got over their initial shyness, the boys let loose at the reception, walking and running around, talking to people, and generally having a good time. It was a while before dinner was ready, so it was a very good thing that Mike and I brought a container of fruit puffs. The boys ate the whole thing!

After dinner, the dancing started. Liam didn't like it much, but Max was really into it. He danced with Liam, with me, and even cut in on cousin Nat and his date! (They were nice enough to hoist him up to share the dance.)

But all good things must come to an end, and after a few minutes of loud music, the boys were headed for major meltdowns. So I got them changed into their pajamas, and we quickly packed up and headed for home. On our way out to get changed, my Aunt Dana stopped us for a family picture. I'm glad, because I had intended to get someone to take one, but forgot all about it. Thanks, Dana!

There are tons more pictures of the boys, the wedding, and the reception
here if you're interested. Enjoy!
Oh, and the best part? The suits are still too big! My mom took in the pants and jackets for them, but made the new hems easy to take out, so they boys can wear them again. We don't have a special occasion in mind, but I smell a fancy family holiday dinner coming on...