Thursday, July 02, 2020

covid diary: day 113

Today Governor Holcomb announced a new campaign, Mask Up Hoosiers. I have some thoughts, but let's let the governor use his own words to explain this first:
"This is one of the tools that we know that can limit the spread. It’s just factual. So, inconvenient or not, this can save lives. This can save our healthcare networks’ capacity to treat people who are in actually in need of that treatment. So, we are not just asking, but we are recommending, in the strongest terms possible, you think about not just your own life, but you think about those who you love. Those who you don’t want to lose.  It’s not just about me, but try to stress that it’s about someone else."
Hmm. He's recommending, in the strongest possible terms. He's not just asking. But you know what he's also not doing?





This is a whole campaign, with logo (above), catchy slogan, hashtag, and an entire webpage with its own catchy phrases ("We've hunkered down. now it's time to Mask Up."), along with videos, recommended language for sharing social media posts, graphics for sharing those social media posts, a whole-ass poster that you can print out and use to write down your reason for wearing a mask, and even a cutesy little animation that you can share online if a still graphic isn't good enough.

What is this world we live in, where people can't just wear masks because it's the BEST WAY TO PREVENT TRANSMISSION OF A DEADLY VIRUS? How much money and time did the state spend developing this entire advertising campaign to convince people to save their own lives? How many focus groups do you think this went through to make sure the messaging would reach those groups of people who think wearing a mask infringes on their rights as Americans?

Good grief.

Let me be clear: Yes, I want people to wear masks. I want them to wear masks anytime they're out of their houses/yards and around other people. I think it's incredibly stupid and careless not to wear them. But this? This just illustrates for me (again) how ridiculous this country can be.

Today, we set a new record for new infections, with more than 56,000 across the country. We set a new record yesterday too, and the day before that. Medical care is getting better as doctors learn more about the best ways to treat people with COVID-19, but the fact remains that there are really only two main things we can do to stop the spread of this virus. We can stay away from other people. And we can wear our damned masks.

Why is this so hard for people to grasp?

Nationwide cases: 2,739,979. Deaths: 128,740.

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