Thursday, June 18, 2020

covid diary: day 99

Thunder is "helping" me with a yoga pose.

A small scene of daily life here at Circus Forticus HQ. We're in the kitchen, talking about this and that.

Liam: I find [name redacted]'s posts not that great. Way too many hashtags!
Mike: I ... am not going to say anything about that.
Holli: What do you want to say?
Liam: Clearly you WANT to say something.
Mike: I said I wasn't going to say anything.
Holli: OK but *nobody* goes out of their way to say they won't commend on something unless they actually have an opinion about it.
Liam: You just want that hit of dopamine you get when everyone's attention is on you because they're begging you to say it.
Holli: I have never been prouder of you than I am in this moment.

Poor Liam followed his brilliant debate performance up by getting a migraine an hour later, and he was out for the night. I'm sorry, kid. I didn't mean to pass a propensity for migraines down to you. (I checked on him around 10:30 and he was feeling much better.)

This has been yet another terrible week for the commander in chief, who is losing in the polls by a wide margin to Joe Biden. Earlier this week, in a 6-3 decision written by Trump appointee Justice Gorsuch, the Supreme Court ruled against the Trump administration in deciding that employment discrimination clearly applies to gay and transgender people, so it is now illegal in all 50 states to fire someone because they are gay (or you think they are gay) or transgender (or you think they are transgender). The administration was actually arguing that employers SHOULD be able to fire people for no reason other than their sexual orientation or gender identity, so it really shouldn't come as a shock that SCOTUS smacked them down. Then today, SCOTUS found against Trump in another case, ruling 5-4 (in an opinion written by Chief Justice Roberts) that the Trump administration had illegally attempted to shut down the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program, which offers a path to citizenship for undocumented kids who were brought to the U.S. by their parents/guardians. This was a much narrower decision, in that the Court ruled that the shut down was illegal because the administration didn't offer a legal justification for doing so (meaning that they could try again to come up with a better justification, and the Court might accept that).

Anyway, these decisions led to Trump tweeting today: "Do you get the impression that the Supreme Court doesn’t like me?" Which led to NOBODY LIKES YOU trending on Twitter most of the day. Indeed, Twitter.

Two things about this: First, how big a narcissist do you have to be to think Supreme Court decisions regarding gay and transgender people and undocumented immigrants (two groups to which you don't belong) are about YOU PERSONALLY? And second, maybe the Supreme Court just doesn't like your administration's illegal actions. I'm no expert, but I think the second is much more likely.

What a loser, you guys. (fingers crossed that this is true on November 3)

Nationwide cases: 2,191,200. Deaths: 118,435.

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