Monday, June 29, 2020

covid diary: day 110

You guys, I don't even know what to say anymore.

It turns out that Russia has been paying Taliban troops to kill American soldiers, and the president knew about it, and instead of doing anything to protect Americans and/or punish Russia, he's been arguing for Russia to be let back into the G7.

Listen, my life hasn't been all that long (well, to me; it's been hella long if you're looking at it from the perspective of a 10-year-old), and never would I have imagined writing that sentence.

But that's not the only thing going on. In Arizona, hospitals have reached capacity and they're implementing "crisis standards of care." That means a change in the way patients are triaged. It means putting off any non-essential medical service or surgery to save room for COVID patients. It means assessing those patients for their likelihood of survival, looking at their age and life expectancy, and assessing preexisting conditions to determine who gets care, and who gets sent back home (spoiler: old people, fat people, and people with chronic conditions).

Texas and Florida are in the same boat as Arizona. And what are the governors doing in those states? Well, they're closing the bars. Which I guess will help, but it's not enough. They can't even bring themselves to make everyone wear a mask.

We're all screwed.

Meanwhile, we had a weekend. I worked the whole time, because it turns out that when you get your hours cut in half, you have to hustle for all the side projects you can get, even if they take a long time and don't pay as well as your regular job. And with no security, you can't say no.

Mike and the boys worked outside, and Liam even went to the park to play pickleball with Laura and Jimmy and Gracie. Mike picked me some lilies from the garden; he brought the outside to me, since I haven't had much time to go to the outside. I love them.

And on we go.

Nationwide cases: 2,682,897. Deaths: 129,544.

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