Liam and Max built a fort tonight with my dining room chairs, the cushion from a chair in the living room, and some blankets. They've filled their "house" with a variety of plastic foodstuffs that were newly acquired from the Greig Collection (thanks, Chris!) so that they can survive in there for weeks, should it become necessary. On the plus side, you'll notice that Max's eye looks much better today (thanks, Benadryl!). On the minus side, it's my sad duty to report that Loni made them tear the fort down and put away the pieces before they went up to bed (thanks, Loni!).

OT: Take a look at my new dining room chairs! I've been meaning to post about the newly refinished table-and-chairs set, but this will do nicely instead. I literally went to seven different fabric stores before I found that fabric, which not only goes perfectly with the modern style of the furniture, but also with the dusky rose paint in the dining room. Yeah, I know, listen to Mrs. Ooh-la-la Suddenly-a-decorator Woman.
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