A couple of nights ago, Max scratched his face in his sleep. Last night, the boys went to Bethany's house for dinner, and then they took a walk over to my mom's house. Along the way, Max got bitten twice by mosquitoes. Once on his forehead (it's kind of under his hair) and once by his eye. He didn't look too bad this morning, but by the time I picked him up from school his eye looked terrible. To make matters worse, he took a spill at school and bruised the cheek on the other side. Poor kid!

Update: Not two minutes after I hit publish, Max got his hand pinched in my closet door, and now he has a blood blister on his palm. He screamed bloody murder the whole time Loni and I were washing it out and applying antibiotic cream. But miraculously, as soon as the Dora bandage was placed across his little hand, the tears dried. Huh.
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