Hensler's, the place we go to get our Christmas trees, started a new Fall Festival this year, so we decided to check it out, along with Yami, Bethany, and Klaudia. The week before, they had held a large pumpkin contest, and the second-place winner was on display. Don't worry, we asked before we let the kids climb up on it for pictures. The structural integrity of a pumpkin that size is truly amazing.

The neat thing about this pumpkin patch was that we all bought tickets, then went on a horse-drawn wagon ride (which was quite long!) out to the pumpkin patch, where we were each allowed to pick one pumpkin to take home. The catch was that all of the pumpkins were growing in thick weeds and plants, so we did some stumbling around trying to find them. But once we did, we all headed back to the wagon and rode back to the main area. The boys got to play on the wooden train and tractor (a treat they loved last winter too), see the reindeer and wild birds, and check out all of the pumpkins. It was pretty warm, so it didn't exactly feel like it was close to Halloween, but the temperature is supposed to drop considerably this week, so maybe this weekend we'll do something else Halloweeny. Or maybe we'll just hang out around the house, like we did for the rest of this past weekend...

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