Liam has been obsessed with "hurrmicames" for the past few weeks. He sits with Mike and watches the Weather Channel obsessively, gauging the size and intensity of each one, and giving us little tidbits about which storm is bigger or scarier. Mike told him that all of the rain we got last weekend was a remnant of Hurricane Ike, so Liam kept an eye to the sky with great interest all weekend long.
He's been so fascinated that he hardly even noticed that we couldn't swim at the end-of-the-summer pool party at Kent and Popi's house on Sunday. To be more precise, we could have taken a swim -- to get to their house. We're lucky we got there at all. High water was everywhere, and the cell lines were aflame as family members called and texted to update each other on the conditions for various routes. My grandparents kindly discovered a completely flooded intersection along the highway, so we all knew to avoid that...well, except for Kent, who had to go out and rescue them after their car stalled out (apparently the car is pretty much toast at this point). As for us, we got out into the middle of one patch of water before we realized that it was too deep, but it was too late to turn back. Luckily, we made it through without stalling, which was amazing considering that there was at least one other car stalled out right there.
Anyway, the clan eventually made it to the party, and we all had some nice indoor fun. Liam and Max had a wonderful time exploring Maria's princess-themed playroom and trying out toys they just wouldn't find at home. After dinner, the Grim Reaper (my mother; who else would it be?) appeared to corner my uncle Mike, who turned 50 last month and thought he could escape without notice because he lives in Indianapolis. Guess who got the last laugh on that one?

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