As I put Max's jacket on after school, he said, "I want to go potty." Reeeally? So I asked his teacher, and she thought perhaps he had witnessed an older kid get a chocolate reward for using the potty, and what he really wanted was the chocolate.
Fast-forward an hour or so. Liam yelled from the bathroom that he was using the potty, and that he thought he might poop. (Yes, it's charming, I know. Come summer, when the windows are open, everyone in the neighborhood will know when Liam has to go.) Anyway, Max thought about it for a minute, then said, "I want to poop on the potty." He was very sure about it. So we hauled out the old potty chair, and Liam modeled how to sit. He even went and got a book for Max. And Max sat there, alternating between being upset at the prospect and just enjoying his book. He didn't go, but surely this is a step in the right direction.

Meanwhile, lest you think we're neglecting him, Liam's been hard at work filling boxes with things, transporting the boxes, unloading, and starting over. He's a regular moving company. Lately he's been very upset because he thinks that spring will never come. Which distresses him because he keeps asking to go to the playground, and we keep telling him that we'll go once spring comes. To a lesser extent, he's worried that summer will never come, but that's mostly because he wants it to be his birthday coming up, and not Max's.

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