Friday was show and tell day for Liam's class. Each kid was supposed to bring in something that starts with the letter M. After considering his options all week long, Liam finally decided to bring...magnets! Specifically, he wanted to bring Johnny and Erin's save-the-date magnet and an Easter magnet we have with Max's picture on it. But on the way out the door that morning, we had a brainstorm. I quickly went through the cookie sheets and pots and pans until I found a pizza pan that actually had some metal in it, then we stuck magnets all over it to illustrate how magnets work. ("How Magnets Work"...hmm, sounds like it ought to be an article on some website or other, right, friends?) We used his original magnet choices, and added a magnet with his name on it, a fire-safety magnet, and a few Pez magnets I've had since college.

I'm happy to report that despite his tendency to get stage fright, Liam made a great presentation! According to his teacher, he told the class how magnets work, then they talked about his particular magnets, and counted them. Hurrah! As for the other presentations in the class? Liam reports that all of his friends brought monkeys, so it sounds like his magnet pick really stood out in the crowd. Now we just have to figure out what he wants to bring for "O" day.
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