I had barely stopped laughing when we arrived at Hacienda for lunch. It's not our favorite, but it was nearby and Liam loves eating there because he gets to dip his chips in ranch dressing (a habit he picked up from my mom and sister). Max got into the chip action too, and really wanted his dad to enjoy them as well.

And then it was time for the zoo that was Meijer. SO crowded! I've never been there before, and clearly Saturday afternoon was not the optimal time to go. We got a few things, and then joined the long lines for the checkout. The boys started getting impatient waiting, so I took them over to some benches with the intent of getting them bundled up against the bitter cold and taking them out to the car. But Liam foiled my plan when he spotted some coin-operated riding toys. He really had his heart set on the dinosaur, and it was only a penny for a ride, but neither of us had any change. Luckily, the little girl on the next ride (who was entertaining her little sister while they waited for their parents. Good thinking, Meijer!) gave us a penny. Liam really liked it, and Max realized halfway through that something was going on that he wasn't included in, so I lifted him up behind Liam. No pictures of that part, as my hands were full. Once Mike finally made it through the checkout, we left with a sigh of relief that we'd never have to go back there again...only to realize that we forgot to use the gift card. Doh!

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