What with the sickness and all, I didn't mention our exciting news. Sunday night, Loni and Klaudia came over and watched the boys, and Mike and I went on a date! Yes, I know, perhaps not the most exciting news in the world, but it's a pretty big deal to us. Between parenting and Mike's nighttime job, we haven't had an evening together in a very long time. We took advantage of it by going to see Juno and having dinner out. As you may know, we've seen approximately four movies in a theater in the last six years, so it's nice when our picks pan out. Juno is really excellent. Go see it! And go out to dinner, while you're at it! Just don't follow that up by getting horrible colds.
While we were out, the boys were in excellent hands. They had fun eating blue-frosted cookies from the movie Cars (they love the characters, yet refuse to watch the movie--go figure), chainsawing Klaudia, and pretending to be pregnant (Liam's got a real baby fixation lately).

In other exciting news, yesterday was Erin's birthday, and today is J's birthday. For these momentous occasions, Liam signed his name and Max's to both cards, plus wrote a message to Erin. His writing is coming along so well! This morning, I told him that today was J's birthday.
"Is Uncle J coming here for his birthday?"
"No, honey, he'll be at Yami and Papaw's house."
"But I want to eat cake with him!"
That's my boy, priorities in order. In yet still other news, I've apparently got my substitute teaching license because a local school district has called twice to offer me a sub day today. I had to decline because I'm doing a trial run as a freelance proofreader (which incidentally pays as much in three hours as a full day of subbing), but hopefully next week I'll be going back to school. I'm more than a little nervous about the prospect of being tested by students. Yikes! But the hours are great, and it's nice to be able to make some money while I'm out beating the bushes for a permanent job. Wish me luck!
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