Saturday, June 01, 2019

the long, wet day

Well, I suppose this is one way to start a month. This morning, I was driving Max to my parents' house so he could go to a party with them. We forgot the card, but we had to stop at Walmart for something, so Mike offered to drive the card to us while we were shopping. While I was in the store, Henry called to say the basement was making a very loud noise. I asked if he could see anything wrong, and he couldn't, so I let him know that Mike would be coming back home soon. Then I let Mike know that Henry heard a loud sound in the basement.

Friends, it took 10 minutes for Mike to get back home, and in that time, the tank on the top of our well completely failed, and the basement was flooded, and more water was shooting out. Mike tried calling my parents but neither of them answered, so he called me to let me know what was happening and that he couldn't find a shut-off valve. Turns out that's because there isn't one. (Yes, that sounds weird to me too, but it's totally normal.) At my parents' house, I found my dad standing out in the driveway talking to a guy (like you do), and rudely interrupted them with my tale of watery woe. Luckily, my dad knew what to do (turn off the power from the electrical box), so Mike got the water stopped. I called a well company and left a message on the emergency line, and luckily they called back right away and were able to come to the house within the hour. A couple hours later, we were all set up with a new (and expensive) well tank. Now all that's left is the cleanup. Oh the joys of being homeowners. Sigh.

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