So I'm quietly working at the computer this morning, while Mike is out in the kitchen making lunch. Suddenly, I hear him say in a low, strangled tone, "Holli, get out here." I rush in, thinking he had hurt himself. But no--I mistook the fury in his voice for pain (thankfully). He pointed out the kitchen window at the two chipmunks sticking their heads out of their hole. "Those [redacted] chipmunks! I've filled in that [redacted] hole a million times, and they [redacted] keep coming back! And I don't just loosely fill in the hole; no, I pound that [redacted] in as hard as I can. But they keep coming back, those [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]. [Redacted]!"
The chipmunks were nice enough to say in the same position while I went back to the bedroom to get the camera, then came back out and took a few pictures through the kitchen window.
As I sat here typing, I heard Mike slam out the front door, no doubt scaring those [redacted] away. After a couple of minutes, he slammed back in, and yelled out, "Okay, it's 11:30 and I filled that [redacted] hole again. Let's see how long it takes those [redacted] to get out of this one!"
Anybody got any chipmunk-removal tips? Other than "get a real [redacted] cat that will hunt those [redacted] down," as my husband suggested?
*Editor's Note: Hey, people, this is a family blog! But I will tell you that there was quite a creative variety of redacted terms floating around. While Mike was truly outraged, it took me a long while to stop laughing long enough to report this breaking news.
Update: By 4:00, the hole was back. Probably sooner, but that's the first time I checked.
That is a [redacted] hilarious story! I almost snorted my [redacted] coke out of my [redacted] nose! Warn a girl before you tell such a [redacted] funny story, and I won't be taking a drink! [Redacted!]
OMG, is it wrong that I couldn't stop laughing? How about I trade the chipmunks for bunnies? But seriously, my neighbor had ground squitter problems (and honestly, I don't know the difference between them and chipmunks) and filled the hole with cement.
OK nice, I can't type. I meant ground SQUIRREL. I have no idea what a squitter is! Yeah, it's totally a Friday.
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yes, i know just filling in the hole doesn't solve the problem, but i would have thought it would take them longer to dig themselves out. i wanted to try something to discourage them without resorting to killing them, but that point has been passed.
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