As I mentioned, the boys had their spring program at school on Tuesday night. It was so exciting! They got all dressed up in their little suits (which they wanted to wear) and off we went for an evening of entertainment, joined by my mom and Loni. First up was Max's class. All of the kids are under three, and it was the first time the school had a group that young perform. I have to say, they did very well. Max didn't sing at all, which was kind of a bummer because he'd been constantly practicing their three songs (ABCs, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star)at home for a couple of weeks. But he sat there happily and watched as his classmates sang, and he applauded politely at the end of every song.

Liam, on the other hand, had a total turnaround from the last program, when he sulked, sucked on his finger, and refused to participate. This time, he sang with gusto, did all the motions enthusiastically, and grinned widely when he spotted us in the audience during the first number. You can see it in a couple of the videos (ABCs added to the album, by the way) -- he'll be paying attention to the teacher who's directing them, then all of the sudden, he'll turn toward us and give a big smile.

After the singing part was done, we all adjourned to the brand-new Fellowship Hall. It's a new addition to the Wesleyan Church, and it's really nice. Plenty of tables and chairs and banquet areas for the adults, and for the kids, not one but two slides built into the walls. The slides go from one floor down to the next. It's very cool. The boys enjoyed several slide rides, and Loni even took a turn on one of them (which she reported was "very dark and curvy").

1 comment:
Your boys are so cute singing on stage! Shame about Max's hair, tho. Last time I cut Tyler's hair it was a terrible hack job, so I'm forbidden from getting near him with scissors. He looks like Sean Cassidy.
They were talking about The Summer Haircut from childhood on the radio this morning. The DJ was threatening to do it and leave it until fall, when he could then get a nice cut and get new clothes, pencils, and a notebook.
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