Last night, my brother, J, and his friend Steve came over. Steve, that nice boy, brought me a thank-you card for helping him with his freshman English paper. Then the two boys took off, but J came back later and spent some time with the boys. They watched Liam's new favorite show, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (which I don't mind so much because the show's music is performed by They Might Be Giants). Then the real fun started: the boys showed J their new blocks (which are actually Mike's old blocks) and then they commenced building. As you can see, the ramp J made for the boys' cars had a humble beginning, but he added elements until it was super fancy. The boys (all three of them!) spent an excited half-hour or more seeing which cars would travel the fastest/farthest after being sent down the ramp.
The story has a sad ending, however: after J left, Max went on a mission of destruction and totally obliterated the ramp. Eventually, I gave in to their pleas and built them a new ramp, but it was totally not as good as the one J built. What's a poor mom to do?
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