We stayed pretty close to home all weekend. I had to work (ugh) both days so Mike got to have some real, er, quality time with the boys. Liam and Max managed to find time in their busy schedule of fit-throwing, disregarding authority, and whining to do a little coloring and some leaf raking as well.
From the "Explain It If You Can" file:
Can somebody please tell me what would possess Liam to climb into Max's crib every night at bedtime and try to sleep in there with him? It usually ends in tears when Max gets fed up at sharing his space and starts pulling Liam's hair or hitting him. This morning, Liam woke up (in his own bed), climbed into the crib with a still-sleeping Max, and waited patiently for Max to wake up so they could chat and sing. What gives?

Is it wrong that I smiled when I heard what Liam did? This morning I had J in bed with me, and Riley came in. I said we could go downstairs when J woke up. So she starts poking him. Kids!
I can always remedy a sleepy-head MIA husband by sending 2-year-old Tyler up to climb onto the bed and "jump on Daddy-O!" (insert evil laugh here)
I highly recommend this non-blame-Mommy strategy.
So where's the dead deer picts???!!!
yeah, seriously, where's the dead deer pic? i know i took one.
time to take matters into my own hands (i'm probably going to get in trouble for this, family blog and all).
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