This is the first year the boys have ever been trick-or-treating. It's kind of rare that Max gets to do anything first (though he did see a movie in a theater before Liam did), and it turns out Max is a natural trick-or-treater. He walked fearlessly up to each house, held out his bag, said "trick or treat" and "thank you" to everyone, and generally charmed the neighborhood. By contrast, Liam wouldn't even set foot on the sidewalk up to the first house, didn't say "trick or treat" a single time all night, and was all-around bashful. Not just with strangers, but also with my mom, my sisters, and Klaudia. My mom and Loni were kind enough to come so we could cover all the bases: Mom stayed at the house and handed out the candy, while Lon and I each took a boy to walk around the neighborhood. At the end of the evening, we put the boys in the car and drove over to Aunt Laura's house, but nobody was home (imagine that) and Liam was absolutely crushed that his cousins weren't there. So tonight we're going to put the costumes back on and make a special trip over there. Maybe this time Liam will even say "trick or treat."

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