...and so far it seems like a draw. I've mentioned the problems we've had with Liam crawling into Max's crib, right? Well, there's also a tiny issue with us having to go upstairs half a dozen times per night because Max has flung his books/blanket/water cup out of the crib and cries inconsolably (and at the top of his lungs) until someone retrieves it. So we took inspiration from my friend Anna, who bought a crib tent a few years back to keep her son from climbing out of the crib. We figured it would keep Liam out, and Max and his possessions in. So off to eBay I went, and found a crib tent at the right price. It came today, and I set it up tonight while the boys were watching Diego (Liam's newest obsession. Guess Blue's Clues is on the way out).
The boys were fascinated upon going upstairs for bed and finding this strange new contraption in their room. Liam was very upset because he wants a tent on his bed too.

For the first hour and a half, my visits upstairs were pretty limited, so I guess it's a success in that regard. The blanket and water cup have stayed safely in the crib, but note the books on the floor -- Max is slipping them through the bars! And yes, of course, as soon as he runs out of books, he's screaming bloody murder for me to come and get him some more. Sigh.

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