This morning the boys and I headed to nearby Knox with my mom, sisters, and Klaudia for the Heritage Festival. We enjoyed a delightful pancake breakfast on the courthouse lawn, then wandered down the cobblestone streets looking at the wares. The boys decided to play some games, including this one, where the point is apparently to pick up a numbered duck and then collect the prize that corresponds with the number. Not very challenging, but they enjoyed their prizes (Max: plastic sailboat, plastic lizard; Liam: tiny can of play doh, plastic badge) for a little while.

Then Liam decided he wanted to get his face painted for the very first time (well, the first time not counting white out). He carefully surveyed the available options, and chose a cat, then specified that it should go on his right cheek.

Max came over to see check out the action.

Liam surveys the final product:

Liam is very happy with the cat...

...which, of course, rubbed off before we even made it home. Another fun morning here at circus forticus!

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