We've been preparing the boys to get rid of their pacifiers for a few days now. On Sunday, we told them they would have three more nights. On Monday, I told them they would have two more nights and took them to the store so they could pick out soft toys to keep in bed as a replacement. They picked these teddy bears that laugh maniacally when you squeeze their feet, they're awful, but what could I do? Last night, I told the boys it would be the final night for pacifiers. And this morning came the moment of truth. We gathered all the pacis in the house, and the boys threw them (with some ceremony) into the garbage. Liam, at least, understands that the garbage men will come and take his paci away forever. Max, maybe not. But he did join his big brother in saying "Bye bye, paci!"
"I'll miss my pacis," Liam added mournfully.

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