In this house, we have to buy two of everything. Fights erupt at the slightest provocation, say, when one touches the other's toy. You'll note in the picture that there are two dump trucks, two magna doodles, etc. If you look closely, you may also see two spider-man flashlights. Max wants to be just like Liam, even if his dump truck is full of mega blocks instead of hot wheels.
Today, we had the pleasure of double doctor's appointments. Our new pediatrician pronounced both boys fully recovered from strep throat and in otherwise excellent health. Liam continues to be above the chart for height (41.75 inches) and in the 90th percentile for weight (37 pounds). The doctor pointed out the obvious, that he's tall and thin, especially tall for his age. Max is in the 75th percentile for both height (33.5 inches) and weight (26.8 pounds). He was following Liam inch for inch and pound for pound until he got RSV right before his birthday and lost a bunch of weight (5 pounds is a LOT for a baby!). But who knows how tall either of them will end up being? The important thing is that they're physically and developmentally in perfect health.
One thing that was kind of fun was that the doctor interviewed Liam, and he amazed us by answering all of her questions fully and politely. She asked him if he sits in a car seat, if he knows what a smoke detector is (Oh, yes, he's VERY familiar with that one!), what he likes to eat, what he likes to drink, all kinds of things. She said that Liam's speech is excellent, and his development ahead of what she expects for his age. Which, by the way, she terms "The Age of Opposition." Don't we know it?! Meanwhile, Max is currently enjoying "The Age of Imitation." Bullseye on that one too. Max may have to go back for immunizations (we're still waiting on the records from Chicago), but other than that, neither boy has to go back until their next birthday. Woo hoo!
P.S. When you click on the picture above, take a look at Liam's magna doodle. That's a cat. Which he drew himself. With no help. He's THREE! Maybe he got a little something from my mom in the art department?
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