Thursday, March 19, 2020

covid diary: day 9

I just finished watching the governor of Indiana give a press conference. It was ... wow. First of all, it was a serious contrast to the national briefings that have been happening every day. There were seven people on the stage, including the ASL interpreter, with everyone standing an appropriate distance apart. There was no constant pandering to the governor. Everyone just walked up to the microphone, said their piece, and stepped back. It was efficient and devastatingly effective.

Among the announcements: All schools statewide are closed until at least May 1. AT LEAST. They may go back after that, but the governor characterized that as a "miracle." If they do go back, they go back to learn -- all standardized testing has been canceled for the rest of the year, with no penalties to schools or teachers. Deadlines for state taxes and property taxes have been extended. The governor encourages Hoosiers who qualify to apply for unemployment right away if they get laid off. In the past three days, 22,583 people have filed for unemployment in the state. IN THREE DAYS. Courts are hearing emergency cases only. (Avalon got that adoption done just in the nick of time! Thank the heavens.) Our hospitals have a good supply of personal protective equipment but are encouraging providers to conserve it because there will likely be shortages later. They're talking about setting up coronavirus-specific areas for testing and treatment so emergency rooms don't get overwhelmed. The governor supports postponing the May primary election, but details have not been worked out yet.

This is how we live now.

On the home front, elearning continues. Today's cursive lesson was the letters e, j, and p. And I offered treats as an incentive.

Henry's been helping with some home improvement projects. This morning, he helped me load up some old furniture to take to the curb, including a leather chair that we got from Chris 15 years ago, after she had it at her house for 15 years. It served us well and faithfully, but it's time for it to go. But of course, Henry took it for one last spin (out to the end of the driveway, throne style).

Mike is still going to work, but all overtime has stopped, and there may be a round of layoffs. They're not planning to shut down for any period of time, though, unless the state mandates it. (And you know what? After today's press conference, I wouldn't be surprised if they do.)

I'll leave you with one last note. Remember the other day when I was wishfully imagining all the governors in a conference call where they all decide to take control and show some leadership in the absence of a comprehensive national response? I WAS RIGHT, YOU GUYS. Gov. Holcomb mentioned today that he was on a conference call with 30 other governors last night where they were all talking about the challenges they're facing and what steps they can take at the state level. Gov. Holcomb (R) specifically name-checked Gov. Cuomo (D) of New York, so this is a bipartisan group of governors working together for the common good. This is the America I want to see!

And I'll leave you with Gov. Holcomb's words from today's conference: "Well, I think that's a wrap on a slow news day. Anyone have any questions?"

Nationwide, as of 2:45 p.m. Eastern: 11,403 cases, 169 deaths.

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