Tuesday, March 17, 2020

covid diary: day 7

Over the weekend, I told the boys that I thought an excellent use of our time during this period of social isolation would be for them to learn cursive. You can imagine the outrage! There were so many protests of "ok boomer" and "but nobody uses cursive anymore, so we shouldn't have to either!"

I posted my idea on Facebook kind of as a joke, but it turns out I have a fair number of friends who also lament that their kids can neither read nor write cursive. So then I got serious. Luckily, I know a teacher (Bethany) who still teaches cursive to her third-graders, and she was willing to loan me her binder since she's out of school now too.

So I present to you day 1 of cursive instruction: the letters l, h, and k. There was much resentment and anger today when they realized I was serious about them learning this new skill, but they each did a great job. They're all approaching it in different ways: Henry has a new goal to collect enough letters so he can write "f**k cursive" in cursive. Max labels his sheets with his name and the assignment like he's at school. And Liam just scowls and mutters angrily under his breath, but he gets it done.

Listen, is it so wrong that I want them to be able to read letters? To have signatures? I don't think so. This is the hill I'm going to stand on during this pandemic, one way or another. So sharpen those pencils and do some stretches, boys, because you're going to be building up some fine motor skills.

Total cases nationally: 6,479. Deaths: 115.

Indiana's numbers:

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