Tuesday, July 19, 2016

fort wilkins historic state park

After breakfast this morning, our first stop was Fort Wilkins Historic State Park. True story: After being up so many times at night and getting up to see the sunrise, I had a pretty bad headache, so I drank a bunch of water (about half the time that works better for me than taking something for a headache), then at breakfast I drank some coffee. The headache went away, but I was left with a very full bladder, and we had already checked out of the motel, so we were searching for a public bathroom and remembered the state park, and that we have a Michigan state parks pass (handy!). So the truth is that we stopped because I had to GO, but I'm so glad we did because this was a really neat park.

The park consists of various historical buildings, barracks, etc. from the 1840s. In the summer, there are costumed interpreters who reenact the military activities, but we didn't see that part, which might have been because we were there so early. On the plus side, we basically had the place to ourselves, so we wandered around and let the boys run off some energy before we got back in the car. Since it was meant to be a quick pit stop, I didn't even have my camera, so I had to make do with phone pictures.

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