Last night, the boys and I headed for the hot, muggy (but not as hot as our car, whose A/C has functioned only intermittently since we drove through some high water last year!) school gym to watch Klaudia graduate from sixth grade. The ceremony was surprisingly lengthy, and the boys did well for about the first 10 or 15 minutes, after which they perspired unhappily and asked repeatedly if it was over yet. Fun stuff.
But they perked up when it was Klaudia's turn to go up and get her diploma, and soon after that, they got to head back down the bleachers and roam more freely. Piggyback rides were the order of the day, as you can see. The funny part was, on the way back home, all the boys could talk about was how much "fun" they'd had during the graduation. Memory fades fast at that age, I guess.
Or maybe it doesn't. We got home pretty late last night, and Max surprised us all by pooping in the potty for the first time ever (he's been doing great with potty training, but this is a real milestone). We had promised him that he could pick out a special toy the first time, so I'm taking him to the store tonight. But Liam surprised me by remembering that he got a trip to a museum by reaching his potty-training goals, and insisted that Max should get the same deal. I really can't believe he remembered -- it was more than a year ago!
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