Saturday afternoon, Max and I set out for my sister Bethany's house to enjoy a hog roast in celebration of her marriage to Joe. Why only Max, you ask? I'm sure you'll be shocked to learn that it was because Liam made a series of exceptionally bad choices, so he stayed home with Mike, and Max and I went without him. Mike did end up bringing Liam a couple of hours later, but only because there were relatives there who hadn't seen Liam since he was a baby (and because Mike assured me that Liam had been behaving well since we left him behind).

Anyway, the party was great. There was plenty of good food, and it was cool enough to be comfortable outside. Fortunately, they had a giant tent set up, because it rained off and on through the afternoon, sometimes pretty hard. There were a few really loud thunder rumbles, which scared cousin Emma so bad that she ran to sit on Uncle Greg's lap for comfort. She got over it pretty quickly though, and ran to the edge of the tent to get soaked in the runoff water. Then she ran back and pretended to be scared again so she could get Greg all wet too. Sneaky child.

Liam and Max were in their element. They got to play games, run, jump, and not have to be constantly monitored (which made it a good time for us, too). We left in the early evening because the boys were wiped out, but apparently the party raged on until the wee hours of the morning. Congratulations, Bethany and Joe!

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