We thought we'd seen it all (or at least, most of it) with Liam. We were wrong.
Max has suddenly developed an aversion to getting his diaper changed. At first, he would just protest if we changed him on a table or counter (they use a mat on a countertop at daycare). Then his protests turned into crying jags, and his crying jags turned into full-out kicking, screaming tantrums. We didn't have much of a problem at home, because we usually lay him on the floor to change him, but lately, even that is freaking him out.
Friday, I went to pick the boys up from school and was greeted with the news that Max held in his pee all day long, presumably to keep from getting his diaper changed up on the counter. All day! I don't know anybody who can hold it that long -- the boy has an iron will.
Oh yes, I know what you're thinking. Maybe it's time for potty training? We had the same thought, so we tried him on Saturday, and he stayed dry for about an hour, but freaked out every time we put him on the potty (big or little). Eventually, he went and hid in a corner and peed on the floor. Then he cried and asked for a diaper (which he freaked out about next time we had to change him). I even offered him the chocolate bribe that worked so well when Liam was potty training, but to no avail.
So now he's holding it in all day and only going at night when he's at home. This is not normal behavior. I'm worried that he's going to give himself a UTI or something. So, readers, any of you have similar experiences with your kids? Any advice? The strategy right now is to just keep trying him with the potty at home, though I still think that at two and a half, he's not quite ready yet...
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