Wednesday night, the boys and I went to the fair to, um, cheer Avalon and Klaudia along in the cheerleading competition. Plus, we wanted to see the exhibits, ride the rides, and eat tasty fair fare (heh).

First stop was the cheerleading competition. Out in the blazing sun, with apparently the whole population of the county -- good times. The girls did great, though, and Liam and Max were excited to yell for them.

The boys got to take a tour of the pig barn and see Klaudia's pig with my dad, then it was off to the food court for hot dogs that the boys wouldn't touch because they were too excited by the prospect of snow cones. To be fair, once I got my dinner, I couldn't eat it either. It was just too hot outside. So instead, we ate our snow cones, and then the boys had fun climbing in some fire trucks.

As the sun finally went down, I bought some tickets and the boys enjoyed riding on motorcycles and cars, going down a giant slide in burlap sacks, hopping on the carousel, and making their way through a pirate maze. That last one was fun. It was one of Liam's favorites from last year, but this year Max had a little trouble. There was one part where he had to climb up a slippery metal ramp (like a small slide), and he got stuck. He just kind of stood there asking for help. The attendant let Liam go back in to help Max because he wasn't really reachable from the outside, but that didn't work. Next, the attendant went in and helped Max up himself, only to have Max get stuck agin during the next part of the maze. Luckily, Klaudia and friends came up and helped him through the rest of it. By the time he got out, he had lost both shoes, and I had had my fill of carnival rides. Plus it was getting really late, so Loni accompanied us on a tour of the exhibit barns, then we headed for a pit stop at my mom's house, where the boys were totally and inexplicably wired, before heading home for a good night's sleep.

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