We kicked off our Fourth of July festivities with a parade in Walkerton. The boys and I got there early and staked out a space in front of my grandpa's store. We were soon joined by the boys' new uncle, Joe -- that's right, congratulations are in order for Joe and Bethany, who tied the knot earlier in the week! -- Laura, Kelsey, Emma, Jimmy, and Gracie. Yami got to come out for a few stolen minutes of parade fun away from the chaos of the store's annual Fourth of July sale. And just about everyone else, it seems, was IN the parade. Loni and Klaudia did cheerleading routines, while J drove a truck and Bethany walked alongside the cheerleaders and handed out candy.

They may have been to a parade before, but I think this was the first time that they really understood what was going on, especially the part about getting candy thrown to/at them. Liam was more into gathering up as much as he could to put into his bag, while Max was definitely more interested in eating the candy as soon as it was acquired. Every time I turned around, he had or was trying to stick something in his mouth. He managed to unwrap a peppermint candy, which he did not enjoy, and I thought that would encourage him to leave the candy alone. Oh, but no -- the next time I looked, he had eaten half a Tootsie Roll, wrapper and all. At that point, I got him settled with Yami on a chair and gave him a small box of Dots, which kept him occupied for most of the rest of the parade.

While the parade itself was lots of fun (many firetrucks, marching bands, and politicians -- you know, all the typical parade fare), the kids may have had more fun afterward. We drove over to the elementary school, and ran off some steam with Laura's kids in the playground (another new one!) so the boys were nice and tired by the time we got home at 9:30. A late night, but a fun one!

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