The boys have picked up a nasty virus. Fevers, chills, coughing, runny noses, refusal to eat, the works. The cough part has developed into croup for both of them as well. Over the weekend things seemed manageable, but Monday turned out to be abject misery for Liam, and Max followed hot on his heels by Tuesday. Neither of them would eat, so by Tuesday morning we resorted to serving ice cream for breakfast in a desperate bid to get them to have something. Seriously, have you ever seen a kid look more miserable while eating a bowl of ice cream?

We did take them to the doctor, and luckily they don't have strep or ear infections. If there's a down side to those diagnoses, it's that there's no medicine we can give them to help them feel better. It's just a lot of waiting, humidifying, and over-the-counter cough suppressant. The doctor did suggest that we take them outside because the cold air would be soothing to their coughs and help the swelling in their throats go down. It's really cold out! But Tuesday afternoon, after Liam spent a solid hour coughing (It went something like this: cough, cough, drink the liquid my mom has forced on me, cough, cough, drink.), I decided it was worth a try. On came the snow pants, coats, and assorted winter gear. And guess what? The cure worked, at least for the 15 minutes we were outside. As soon as we came back into the warmish house, the coughing started again.

By Wednesday, fighting had resumed between the boys, so we knew they were on the road to recovery. This morning they seemed fine, if argumentative, so we sent them back off to daycare. We'll see how that goes.
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