Last weekend, that is. Both days were sunny and warm--because the mid-30s counts as a veritable heat wave after months of seemingly endless winter. Liam earned his 15 stickers, so Saturday morning I set out to give him his reward. The boys, Klaudia, and one of her friends piled into my car (a tight fit for the five of us plus two car seats!) and we headed off to Brookfield Zoo.

I'd like to say that the boys were good, but that would be a blatant lie. They fought constantly, threw fits, had meltdowns, and generally made life unpleasant for me. But they had a great time. We saw bears, elephants, rhinos, hippos, a tapir (which got Liam excited because they're featured often on Diego), an alligator and other swamp creatures, lions, tigers, dolphins, and a sea lion. Afterward, we came back to the Hoosier State and visited with my sister, then headed over to my mom's house so the boys could regale her with the wonder of their zoo visit.

Mike, meanwhile, had the day off--a rare commodity lately. He really enjoyed himself doing whatever it is he does when we're not around. I hope the good feeling lasts, because it may be a while before Liam earns another reward. We told him that now he can earn stickers by wearing underwear and staying dry all night. We know he can do it because he's done it once already. When he earns 15 stickers, we'll give him a super prize: a trip to the Indianapolis Children's Museum. And the best part is that we'll make it a special trip just for him (Max will hang out with my mom for the day). So far, he's chosen to wear pull-ups every night and hasn't earned a single sticker toward the goal. Maybe we're pushing too far, too fast?
Oh, and did I mention that our spring-like weather has abruptly ended once again? We got about 8 inches of snow last night, which I spent an hour shoveling this morning. The past few days, the birds have all come back, and I could hear their songs the whole time I was shoveling. Poor birds, tricked by Mother Nature!
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