Max has had a rough day. First, he fell down and hit his ear on the table (see later picture). Then, he went to the doctor and found out that he has bronchiolitis (a respiratory infection) so he has to use an asthma-type inhaler and stay home for a couple of days. As if that weren't enough, today was the day he got his first haircut.
Here he is before the haircut. It's a nice side view, so you can see both the shagginess of the back of his hair and the terrible ear bruise. What is it with these boys and hitting their ears on things anyway?

And now, an action shot of Max getting his first haircut. I'd like to say the whole thing went as smoothly as this, but I'd be lying.

Finally, after we finished and Max enjoyed some dinner (lasagna), he was a happy, newly-shorn boy.

And of course, the evening wouldn't be complete if we didn't cut Liam's hair too. We'll spare you the gory middle parts, and just leave you with his before and after shots.

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