Blue, for the color Max turned this morning before we rushed with him over to the doctor's office. He's fine though. Apparently it's normal for babies with the RSV to get poor surface circulation while they're still sick. They checked his oxygen level, and it was great. Also his tongue was (and is) red, and as long as it stays that way, he's circulating just fine. What's not so fine is that the ear that was clear now has a raging, bulging infection (Doctor: "It's at least the worst one I'll see today."--and it was still before her office hours even started!) despite him being on not one, but two different antibiotics for the past 9 days. Which brings us to the number of the day,
three, in honor of antibiotic number three. This one's supposed to be more souped-up than the other two. We'll see.
In the meantime, lunchtime is over, playtime (see below) is over, and now it's lovely peaceful naptime for two little monkeys while their mother does some chores.

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