Taking a two and a half year old to see the dentist is an interesting experience. I'm glad we only have to do it twice a year. Today was Liam's second-ever dental checkup. We take him to a pediatric dentist, so before every appointment they take the time to show the kids all the equipment and let them play with it. Six months ago, Liam just stared while the hygenist demonstrated with the water squirter, the sucking tube ("Mr. Thirsty"), and the tooth polisher. Today, he squirted the water into a cup, drank some, squirted some more, used the sucker, and when shown the toothbrush, promptly put it in his mouth. Then asked for more water. So when the dentist came around, Liam was in a pretty good mood...which dissolved as soon as the dentist started looking at his teeth. But we got through the cleaning, and once his tears were dried, Liam got a Thomas sticker and one proclaiming him a member of the "No Cavity Club." Then he got to pick a toy from the toy chest (a beep-beep, of course). I'm pretty sure by now he's forgotten the agony of the cleaning, which is good. And his little teeth are so shiny and white! Next time, it'll be time to bring Max along too. Double the fun!
Yami and Loni are members of the no cavity club,too,Liam.I didn't cry but Aunt Loni did.See you all on Saturday and Uncle J is looking forward to babysitting you and Max.
koz family was cavity free for a while. i have a filling now although i think it is because of the shape of my incisors.
linus wanted to meet hi cousins this weekend but unfortunately if that happened there was great potential for extreme illness in the fort family. we'll try again soon. maybe make a visit in january.
Oh, boy, I don't look forward to my own boy's first visit to the dentist. We are just introducing the toothbrush to the little guy at home. Gee, I didn't know pediatric dentists existed! Good job, Liam! Your teeth are all shiney!
I am pleased you had a great experinece with the Pediatric Dentist. Seems like you have a good attitude about the whole thing. I think you will be pleasantly surprised how much the behavior thing will improve over time. I hate to see kids coming in at older ages with lots of dental problems that could have been delt with had they come in earlier. Good luck!
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