Max had his 9-month checkup this afternoon. He is happy, healthy, and a nice shade of orange as a result of his love affair with vegetables. The doctor was very pleased with his progress, and said that he's doing wonderfully. He's big stuff, but we knew that already. His weight is 21 pounds, 13 ounces (a little over double his birth weight), which is the 75th percentile. His height is 30.5 inches--above the last line on the chart. He's tracking exactly the same as big brother has so far, and he's showing no indications of stopping.
Here's a shot of our big boy with one of his favorite people: The baby in the mirror.

And one of him modeling his new Irish wool hat. (Thanks, Grandma and Grandpa!)
my goodness, what adorable children.
and i have no connection to these obviously intelligent and well-raised kids. honest.
koz says "look out world we are the fort kids!"
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