Monday, February 19, 2024

biking zion


It's time for a day tailor-made for Holli: bike day!

We rented ebikes and rode all the way up Zion Canyon Scenic Drive to the Temple of Sinawava, stopping wherever we felt like it along the way. Before we left, I warned the boys that they would need gloves, but they insisted they would be fine, so when we set out, Mike and I were the only ones wearing gloves, and I had one extra pair in my bag. Guess how that ended up? (Hint: My fingers were very cold without my cashmere and leather gloves. But Max kept all his fingers and didn't get frostbite.)

This was the first time on an ebike for any of us, and it took a little getting used to, but it was really nice to have the assist, especially on the inclines. There weren't a ton of extra riders because of the cold, which is just the way we like it. We set out early, but even so, by 9 a.m. the park road was closed to cars since all the parking spots were filled.  

I can't say enough how special it is to be in a place like this and feel like you're discovering it along with your favorite people ... and without a huge crowd of other people intent on making the same discovery. And being on a bike is so much better than being in a car. It lets us interact more closely with the scenery around us, and being able to stop in places where cars aren't allowed to stop is a real advantage. Give me this kind of exploration every day of the week and twice on Sundays. 

At the end of the line, Mike and Max went for a hike, while Henry and I relaxed on the banks of the Virgin River. It was sunny and crisp and just the kind of day that makes you so happy to be alive.

We rode back down with a lot fewer stops, and by the time we got back to the visitor center, there were SO MANY people out and about that it was hard to navigate the last stretch without running people over. That was really the only time we felt hemmed in, though, which makes it truly a fantastic day.

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