Monday, September 28, 2020

fall comes to the pasture

My work really gets busy during political season, and this year is worse than many others. My main company is running on a very small crew (since people got let go at the start of the pandemic), plus I'm still working on side projects because I need to keep relationships going so I have work to do after the election. So there hasn't been a ton of time for ... really anything other than work.

Mike, meanwhile, is also being overworked. The problem at his company has been turnover. Lots of people are leaving, and the company has responded by mandating that the people who are still there work six days a week for the rest of the year (!!) so they can make their numbers. To me, this is a ridiculous way to run a business because nobody wants to work six days every week, so they end up losing more workers, which exacerbates the problem they were trying to address in the first place. Ummmm just a suggestion, but maybe better pay, benefits, or working conditions would help you hire and retain good people? I don't know, just spitballing here.

Anyway, given all that, I was as surprised as the next person when I ended up totally blowing off work yesterday to spend the day paying bills, visiting with my mom, taking a walk through the pasture with Mike, and reading a book in the bathtub. Oh, and then driving around town until 11 with Liam and Max hunting Pokemon so Liam could get in the last of his nighttime driving hours. I can't say I woke up today ready to face the day with tons of enthusiasm, but I can say that I definitely needed that day off.

Anyway, for your viewing pleasure, here are some shots of fall in the pasture. Mike likes the summer best, but my favorite has always been fall, and I don't think it's hard to see why.

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