Thursday, August 27, 2020

covid diary: day 169

 Get Shit Done Week continues! Today, it's literal shit. I called on Monday to ask how often we should get our septic tank emptied, and it turns out the right answer is every two years, which means we're due. Did I just randomly think of this? No, I did not. I would have just continued merrily flush-flush-flushing along if left to my own devices. Luckily, my dad thinks of things like this, and he told me it was time to start thinking about getting it done. I didn't expect it to happen quite so soon because the guy at the excavation company told me he would just fit it in whenever he had time. Welp, apparently he had time this afternoon, so that's another thing I can cross off my list.

Today I also got Liam signed up to take the SAT (gulp). Naturally, this was the last day to sign up for the test here in Plymouth, so we had to rush through the process together. It's WAY more involved than I remember it being! So many questions just to take a test. And then we had to take a photo because he has to have a ticket to get in, and that ticket has to have his picture on it, and that picture has to meet certain guidelines specified by the College Board. After three tries, we finally got one he was happy with. (Along with his nearsightedness and his propensity to get migraines, poor Liam definitely gets that messy hair from me. Luckily, most of the rest is Mike.)

I'm working another split shift today, which means working 7-12 this morning and then 7-10 tonight. And then getting up in the morning to start again at 7. Someday I'll detail how stressful my job is right now, but that day is not today. 

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