Wednesday, January 23, 2019

the birds of circus forticus

Friends, it's been a time around here. The start of the year has not been particularly kind in terms of weather, health, school/work, or pretty much any other metric. But we're still here, and so are the birds. Lately it feels like the whole world is on fire, so I find it really comforting to spend part of each day watching (and taking pictures of) the birds outside my office window. I've got a great setup: There are feeders directly in front, and small trees to each side. This winter, I've seen hawks, cardinals, blue jays, finches, chickadees, nuthatches, woodpeckers (downy and red-bellied), sparrows, European starlings, and juncos, among others. It's a show I never get tired of watching, and here are some of my favorites:

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