Thursday, April 12, 2018

a funny thing happened while we were out house hunting

Back in February, a house came on the market that really caught our fancy. It had more than enough room for all of us, was a style we liked, was near my grandpa's house, and just seemed perfect. A real dream house. Of course, we hadn't sold our house yet, but we took a whirl and made a contingent offer. They made a counter offer, and we made a counter-counter offer, but then things sort of fell apart, so we decided to revisit it later if it was still available once ours sold.

Fast-forward to yesterday. We've seen all the houses in Plymouth that are within our price range and have the requisite number of bedrooms. We've looked at some that would work and some that wouldn't. We've looked at country houses and river houses and even one very, very scary foreclosure. And yesterday, we were touring yet another house that was nice but with a yard that was not quite big enough and a floor plan that wasn't great ... when our realtor got a text message. From the people with the dream house. Asking if we would please like to make another offer now because they are ready to move already.


So this time, we made an offer, and they made a counter offer ... and we ACCEPTED. We're gonna have a house, friends!

And it's WONDERFUL. We can't wait to show you all. And possibly have a party.


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