Tuesday, August 02, 2016

first day of school!

Friends, the glorious day is upon us again! This morning, everyone had a nice hot breakfast, then Liam walked Max to the bus stop for Max's first day at intermediate school before heading for his own first day in junior high. Henry was stuck with me for a few more minutes, then I drove him to school as well. That's right, if you're keeping track at home, we now have three kids in three different schools, and it will be that way for the next five years, at which time Liam and Max will overlap at the high school for two years. (Yeah, our school system is weird.) We're going to have to take things one day at a time for a while to fall into a new routine, but so far it's pretty great ... particularly the part where the house is so quiet during the day that I can concentrate and be more productive.

And now, the obligatory first-day-of-school photos:

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